Cultural Industry and myths which control folks


  Cultural industry and myths are the nowadays peoples' chains put by the current regimes. Folks are orbiting the same routine and drowning in an ocean of sameness. Additionally, people are taught since they were young to trust a couple of myths and consider them undiscussable facts. Those myths are now dominating a huge part of the natural realities in the minds of each of us. To understand everything mentioned previously, we should define the cultural industry, myths of today, and how each of them takes place in every culture. 

 Cultural industry is the process through which the capitalist and repressive regimes shape a culture to impact the mass. Human beings are known to live collectively. Thus, the latter human quality is used by the ruling class as a means of control. When the ruling class is sure that an idea is going to let it in control, it tries through several ways to get it in the minds of people. 

 One of the tools used is media, through social media, magazines, blogs, films, series and so on. We can all realise that people are highly impacted by the styles of life promoted in media. When an actor appears in a certain way, mostly the hidden message behind it is that his style is the most appropriate. In other words, media within the process of cultural industry and agenda-setting are giving examples from people that are considered highly influential to be followed by everyone else. That can appear on the clothes that we consider to be official, others we consider fashionable and cool, and what we see as old-fashioned. 

  Educational systems all around the globe are also considered to be mass culture generators. In each culture, there are certain values that everyone sees to be right. Many of these norms are the way they are because educational systems taught us that they are the norms for a better society. We have all learned in one way or another that rich people are successful people and that they have directly worked for what they have, making us forget that most of them have built their wealth on exploitation and robbery. 

 Moreover, the ruling class uses old cultural norms themselves to spread its ideas. That's achieved simply through emphasising the norms that serve their interests and trying to hide and make people neglect the norms that are not in the interest of that ruling class. Indeed, the ruling class takes full domination over every culture through this process. 

 Similarly, the ruling class rules the minds of folks through numerous myths. One of them is named by the French thinker Roland Barthes "Opération Margarine". The latter is an operation which is based on the system itself showing a part of the facts that are from its mistakes and bad deeds. However, it is not purely for the sake of exposing mistakes. It's rather to make folks forget about the big issues and mistakes of the system. Not only that; but it makes people think that the system is showing them the truth. Since their logic tells them, that if the system exposed bad facts about itself, hence it must be honest about everything. what I can say is that the system exposes itself partially to cover itself fully.

 Another myth which is highly underused in the system is "the neither this nor that" myth. The latter is simply based on making people refuse any change. That's through making any kind of better change to seem like the current situation, though they're widely different. For instance, some media, newspapers, and thus public opinion always say, "We want neither capitalism nor socialism". The latter saying is what gives capitalism the ability to remain in power since numerous people think that there's nothing that can be better than it and that all the ecosocial systems are faces of the same coin no matter what their principles are. 

 Likewise, the ruling class bases its power on threatening general safety and security. The capitalist system and its own thinkers spread the idea that if anyone wanted to change the capitalist system, he is merely going to make an endless circle of mess and anarchy. Capitalism promotes the idea that slavery under peace is better than liberty under war. People are mostly conservatives, no matter how much they claimed they are not. Hence, they get persuaded by that myth and sell their liberty to pay for peace and security. Just as the serfs were selling themselves to the masters in the middle ages so that they can stay safe. 

 Last but not least, the ruling class spread a myth based on "It is what it is". This myth is a ready response to any question against the ruling class. Some might ask, "why do the capitalists have the right to own 90% of the world's wealth?''. The system's response would be, "it is what it is". This is a fallacy that's just like saying"The reason why it rains is that it rains". Furthermore, the previous fallacy can justify any non-fair behaviour by saying that it doesn't have reasons behind it, it has rather existed just because it did. 

 In a nutshell, folks are being filled with numerous myths that control them and make them mere serfs to the ruling class. while they are not aware of any of that. The cultural industry is the tool for shaping an unconscious flock. People should wake up and get out of cultural sameness and be aware of how they are getting used and exploited. Only at that time, we can dream of a better world. 

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