Research in the field of humanities and how to find topics in which to conduct it

P1: Introduction. 
P2: Defining "Research". 
P3: Is research in humanities as valuable as in experimental sciences ?
P4: How to find a topic of research?
P5: Conclusion.

 Research is what makes humans who they are, it is the essence of their spirit. None of us would be able to walk away while hearing a noise or observing something unusual. We would rather go immediately to see what is the matter. Research is conspicuously a human speciality that develops, improving the way humans live. Just as academic human sciences research does precisely. Research as a process is ,hence, should be regarded from various aspects.

 Research is a deeply rotten human quality that can be defined and perceived differently. It is a word, which is derived from the Latin origin of ''circare'', which means traversing or wondering. Thus, the meaning of research might start having the fog around it fade, as it can be labelled as going about seeking. In this regard, Astrophysicist Mario Livio says, “There are many studies that have shown that there is a strong genetic component to curiosity”. From the former saying, it is no wonder we are too curious and research-thirsty, it is our nature and genetics, which lead us to be so. Human life is majorly based on research and discovery, once those two stop human life stops as well. Since the day we were born, we start with passive research, thereafter, day by day we begin to be active by using the data, which we have implicitly concluded from our research. In other words, it is, we, trying to make rational relations between cause and effect, so that we can figure out other matters throughout the same path. That is no different from academic research; they fully share the same criteria. What marks academic research is being conducted with continuous care to how objectively and rationally the data were collected and perceived. It also stresses the evaluation of evidence and experiment. Furthermore, research is not as a mere observation as it might seem, it sheds light on finding solutions through former observed matters and phenomena.

 For the majority, only experimental research is natural and beneficial, though humanities' researches are not less valuable than experimental. For a layman, research is making experiments such as medical, biological, and chemical, while the ones conducted in humanities are useless and effect less in society. It seems to be righteous, however, with the theory of social contract, presented by John Jack Rousseau; it seems that human sciences research can lead to an experimental one. That is to say that according to the social contract theory and similar phenomena that we recognise, research in humanities is what leads to deduce which social system is more appropriate. Moreover, this same social system is what gives space and possibility for experimental sciences to be conducted. Nowadays, we can conspicuously observe how politics, which are a result of human sciences' research, do control how much should be spent on other experimental sciences and which to spend more and less on. We can easily observe how an Eco social system would prefer to encourage a specific kind of experimental research than another. This was the case in the way the USSR used to focus on medical research for the sought of human welfare and thus focused mainly on what highly served the people, while the USA with its capitalist Eco social regime meant to conduct medical research on more profitable aspects.                                                                                                                       

 Finally, it is essential to get to know how to find a topic in humanities in which you are  going to do research. Having a topic of research is mainly a product of inspiration. That is to say, that ideas do not come out of a vacuum, they rather the outcomes of the environment or of other thoughts in mind and probably both. For more clarity, it is important here to state that informal inspirations are what usually give the researcher a topic of research. That is due to the fact that informal inspiration is based on everyday life and kin experiences to those of the researcher. Thus, that kind of inspiration might provide a research topic that would be deeply beneficial for society as it is treating an issue from there. Additionally, it is highly recommended to read newspapers, magazines, articles and so on. Those former resources contain various pieces of research that one of their gaps or inaccurate information might shape an ambition for you to conduct a more accurate and complete research on that content. In a similar manner, certain research databases such as JSTOR might aid you to have ideas about research conducted in your field of studies in a much-summarised way. The former databases will save you plenty of time while being able to cover a huge variety of conducted research.

 In conclusion research is a process that occurs by nature and nurture without which we can  never function. It is what developed to result some significant events in the life of human beings, no matter what kind of research, be it primitive, experimental, or related to humanities. We should all acquire how to do research precisely so as to develop more and more forward.

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