A Realistic Material Guide to Having Stress and Anxiety Eroded


       To those anxious stressed perturbed folk, my letter shall be written. So that their very hidden inner peace reappears. This is of no relation to the illusionary utopian set of ideas which are frequently spilt out by spiritual storytellers. Nor is it tied up with human development groups and strong sonorous life-changing speeches. The letter is but a realistic and practical material guide on how events around us are to be perceived and envisioned for a better mood and a good state of mind.

Accordingly, it is initial to point out that all we can do is change our perception of the world no more, no less. Many think that their reality is the outcome of their actions, which is why they may stress out, and feel guilty but mostly feel proud of what they achieved as a personal effort. One may realise that his reality is conditioned by various conditions, but not by him, only when being in a miserable situation. Nevertheless, when conditions around one may lead him to success, he claims to have control over what led him to that success.

Nevertheless, the main issue has not yet been uncovered.   It may be the issue being deduced when asking — how shall we envision the world? Again, what standards will have our vision righteously cemented? Religious would focus on seeing the world as a test and this may reduce their pain to a limited extent. On the other hand, life-changing idealistic speakers may encourage individuals to do their best and work harder to live a decent life.

In contrast, I am to argue that life should be envisioned as invariable. What I connote by the latter is that individuals’ decisions are merely a part of nature’s determined plans and conditions under interaction (Check my article on this concern).  Those individuals are who keep reinforcing the integration of human free will in their interpretation of the world. It is just like watching football, knowing that cheering for your club is useless behind the screen, but still, you do cheer while kind of believing from another mental layer that this must be somewhat done.

Consequently, one should base his realisation and vision on being a mere watcher. One might be feeling shame about his societal status or educational level, while what he did was what he could do. That difference in passion and smartness between him and the others was due to conditions brought about by none of the previous parties, nor were they occurring for any reason. Additionally, convection of one’s inability to drive out what surrounds him reduces his anxiousness and stress, as both of those do come as a result of envisioning oneself as being lower, lazier, culprit … than others.

Continuously, another question arises, seeming to have even refuted the preceding statement. It is how can we say ‘’We should envision the world in a specific way’’ while we are not free to do anything? — well, realisation is the only thing that potentially distinguishes us from that tree being moved by wind. In other words, we are objects –  like everything around us – interacting with accumulated conditions in our surroundings, yet, we have somewhat been invited as watchers who can do nothing, but realise that they are mere watchers, as this will mitigate their pain.

To sum up, people should activate the watcher mode in their conception of the world, which is always activated whether they wanted or not. They are only watchers, but to leave their conceptualised illusionary realisation of freedom they should be aware of their inability to lead pure change. Consequently, they will see that watching where things are going is more relaxing than believing in the possibility of having them go the way they desire. Thou, anxious Man, relax and watch thy movie, it is alright!

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